Building community one match at a time

Duet volunteer Maria and her neighbor Wynell have been matched for two years. Maria helps Wynell, 93, with grocery shopping and paperwork assistance about twice a month and the pair talk weekly on the phone.

Maria, who works full time for Arizona Public Service (APS), shares that she was at first nervous to volunteer with Duet. “I work in Corporate Giving at APS and, to be honest, sometimes I feel bad because Wynell has to wait until I get off of work. But it always seems to work out and, frankly, my time with Wynell is always the best two hours of my week.”

Wynell, however, has no complaints about Maria’s work schedule—she says that Maria’s invaluable service allows her to stay in her own home. “Being matched with Maria means everything to me; I’m not able to do everything that I used to be able to do but I can still do a lot of things for myself when I put my mind to it,” Wynell says.

A Southwest Phoenix resident, Wynell says that she found out about Duet through another community service organization. Once she called and went through the intake process, she shares that it wasn’t too long until she was matched with Maria. “I’m so grateful for Duet, I needed someone—and Maria is that someone,” she adds.

Currently, the Southwest Phoenix zip codes of 85034 and 85037 have a high need of homebound adults waiting for compassionate volunteers.

“I’d encourage anyone who can to volunteer, even if you work full-time or have a busy schedule,” Maria says. “It shows you a different perspective, and teaches you how it takes a community so that we all can be healthier and happier. I am definitely getting more out of it than I give. I am the lucky one.”

Click here to learn more about becoming a Duet volunteer.



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