Resourceful and Rewarding: How One Volunteer Sees Immediate Impact in Helping a Neighbor

“People like me are on a fixed income. That’s the reality. And even though my city has a cab voucher program, it is still very expensive for a person who all you have is your Social Security.”
— grateful neighbor, Carla
Re•source•ful / ri-sawrs-fuhl/adj.: 1. Having the ability to find quick and innovative ways to overcome difficulties.
Carla is resourceful. Carla, a former Executive Director of the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy, was instrumental in creating the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, one of the largest urban preserves in the nation, covering one-third of Scottsdale. “I’m just an old desert rat. I grew up here, you know, being what they call a cactus hugger and environmentalist. I fought for the desert, which led to the creation of not only the preserve and the conservancy but also the organization that partners with the city of Scottsdale to take care of it.”
When serious health issues related to a congenital heart defect arose, Carla had to stop driving. “When I was younger, I used the bus and trolley, and I kept my job for a couple of years, even though it would take almost three hours—three trolleys and two buses—to get from my house to the capitol where I was lobbying on state trust land reform.” As she got older, her ability to make the long trek to work, often sitting at the bus stop in the heat, became unmanageable. She used a city cab voucher program for a while, but when it proved too expensive, she turned to Duet.
Carla was matched with volunteer David Vought, a realtor looking to give back to his community. “Duet is structured very well. The requests for transportation are very local to me, which is helpful, and I can get to them easily, so it’s never a burden.” For David, finding a tangible and immediate way to contribute to someone’s solution to a problem is important. “With Duet, I’m physically present, getting people to and from their medical appointments. I know it’s helpful, and that makes me feel good.” Your support and generosity ensure that homebound adults like Carla continue to receive the essential rides to their medical appointments they depend on.
Register today for an upcoming volunteer orientation to learn more.