Mission: To promote health and well-being through vitally needed services to homebound adults, family caregivers, and grandfamilies.
Vision: A community where every person ages with compassion, dignity, and hope.
Duet was started in 1981 by The Reverend Dr. Dosia Carlson and Church of the Beatitudes in Phoenix. At that time, our name was Beatitudes Center DOAR (Developing Older Adult Resources), which later changed to Duet: Partners In Health & Aging in 2009. Duet is a non-profit, interfaith organization that promotes health and well-being through its vitally needed, free-of-charge services to homebound adults, family caregivers, and grandfamilies.
Duet’s services are based on one person helping another. We partner with individuals, businesses, non-profits, municipalities, government organizations, and faith communities to make that happen. Our trademark is a butterfly created from two equal halves. This represents the many successful partnerships that are needed in order for Duet to provide crucial services to older adults throughout the Valley. The white space around the butterfly contains two faces looking toward each other and a more hopeful future.
We respond to pressing needs that are not being met through other organizations. Duet was the first in the Valley to offer free-of-charge volunteer services for homebound adults, as well as comprehensive services for family caregivers and grandparents raising grandchildren. Duet also introduced the concept to the Phoenix area of congregational health programs led by faith community nurses.
Duet exists because caring partners dedicate time and funding to change lives. Hundreds of compassionate volunteers help fulfill Duet’s mission. Join us as we strive forward in expanding services and providing compassionate help to keep pace with the needs of our growing community.
A beloved tribute to our founder. In loving memory of Rev Dr. Dosia Carlson, who passed away in 2021 due to complications of Covid-19.
Headshots generously provided by Captured Moments Photography.