Legal Guidance and Assistance for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

We’re dedicated to assisting grandparents like you in Maricopa County in finding the best legal solutions for your unique situations. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, and we even offer funding options to help cover the costs of preparing essential legal documents (restrictions apply).
We understand that informal caregiving often becomes necessary when grandparents step in to take on temporary parenting responsibilities while their adult child(ren) are unable to fulfill their parental roles. However, we also recognize the challenges that can arise when raising grandchildren without formal custody.
That’s why we’re here to help you secure formal custody, which not only grants you legal recognition but also opens the doors to various support services specifically designed to aid grandparents in your position. By obtaining formal custody, you provide your grandchildren with the stability and care they deserve.
We genuinely care about your family’s well-being and are committed to guiding you through this process with the utmost care and understanding. Let us help you navigate this journey and ensure a brighter future for you and your grandchildren. Contact us today to explore the possibilities!
For more information, please call Patricia Dominguez at (602) 274-5022, ext. 120.