Kinship Care Services Eligibility – Do I Qualify?

Duet defines a “grandfamily” as individuals who are raising grandchildren or other relative caregivers who are raising extended family member’s children. Our service area is Maricopa County. Kinship services offers support groups, educational workshops, social events, respite assistance, legal guidance, and resource information and referral. All of our services are offered to grandfamilies regardless of income levels.

To qualify for our services, a detailed intake/interview is required for families requesting support services—with the exception of support group meeting attendance. Grandfamilies will need to demonstrate they are actively and legally authorized to care for their vulnerable child. Acceptable documents needed for a complete intake include:

  • Photo ID
  • Monthly Income (financial statement, paystubs, etc.)
  • Signed court order by a judge (non-parent custody, guardianship, adoption, etc.)

A Power of Attorney (POA), will be accepted only when families provide an authorization letter from DES-FAA demonstrating child(ren) are part of your case and receiving benefit such as medical assistance, snap, cash assistance, etc. Please note: If families want assistance in obtaining formal custody, such as guardianship, we may be able to help.

Contact us for more information by calling Patricia Dominguez at (602) 274-5022, ext. 120.

*Please Note Policy Update* – Due to the change in the law this year regarding the guardianship annual review no longer being necessary we will now be requiring an FAA-DES benefit authorization letters showing the grandchildren you are raising are on your DES case as part of updating your records. If you have any questions or concerns. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.  


Grand Opening Success: Duet’s GrandKin Clothing Closet

| 6 Minute Read
Thanks to the generous support of BHHS Legacy Foundation, Duet kinship care services celebrated the Grand Opening of the GrandKin Clothing Closet. This new resource offers essential items—school uniforms, clothing, shoes, and supplies—to support grandfamilies in our community. If you’re an eligible family, we invite you to visit the GrandKin Clothing Closet at Duet’s office and take advantage of this valuable service. Together, we’re uplifting grandfamilies!
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How Sharon Found Essential Tools for Parenting her Grandkids in the Digital Age Through Duet

| 9 Minute Read
“Duet has been and still is my support. Participation in Duet’s discussions remind I’m not alone, and sharing in the support group allows us to […]
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Annual Back-to-School Backpack Drive For 200 Kids Raised by Grandparents

| 7 Minute Read
Give a backpack, empower a child. Removing educational barriers for students can start with one essential item: a simple, sturdy backpack. This year, back-to-school costs […]
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