Family Caregiver Virtual Symposium

October 18, 2023

9:30 – 11 a.m. MST (Virtual)

Cost: Family Caregivers: Free of charge | Professionals: $15 each
Moderator: Jayme West, KTAR 92.3 FM, Arizona’s Morning News
Information: Contact George Burson at (602) 274-5022, ext. 139, or

Come experience a truly uplifting and empowering event for family caregivers. We’ve invited two remarkable
international speakers to help you discover practical strategies and tools to navigate your caregiving journey.
You won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear from the renowned Dr. Aaron Blight, a world-class speaker,
consultant, and author who specializes in caregiving, aging, and healthcare. His presence was an absolute hit
at last year’s symposium, and due to popular demand, we are thrilled to have him back. Dr. Blight will explain
how caregivers can improve their capacity by adapting to their loved one’s ever-changing circumstances. We
are also excited to welcome Dr. Robert J. Wicks, Professor Emeritus at Loyola University, and author of over 60
books. He’ll discuss resilience, self-care, and the integration of psychology and classic spiritual approaches to
maintain a healthy perspective. Respite care reimbursement is available to Arizona residents on a first come,
first served basis per a generous grant from the Arizona Caregiver Coalition. To determine if you qualify,
contact Deanne Poulos at (602) 274-5022, ext. 115, or


Oct 18 2023


9:30 am - 11:00 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 18 2023
  • Time: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm



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