Empowering Family Caregivers: Tips to Brighten the Holidays

This time of year, expectations of cheer can set us up for a let-down of our “ho, ho, ho” and “fa, la, la.” If you’re caring for a loved one who requires 24/7 (round the clock) attention, be aware of pitfalls and take pre-emptive steps. Ask for help. This time of year, expectations of cheer can set us up for a let-down. Here are a few tips…

Set realistic expectations ~ Confront that your situation has changed. If you enjoyed Norman Rockwell celebrations in the past, treasure memories of the good ol’ days, then embrace the here and now.

Simplify ~ Deck less of the hall and trim a smaller tree. Bake only one batch of cookies, then purchase supplementary goodies. Just say “no, thank you” if an invitation is going to amplify stress.

Ask for gifts ~ No need to sit on Santa’s lap to provide a list to those who can help: sitting with your loved one so you can get out of the house for a break…delivering a meal…mopping, or dusting, or doing a load of laundry.

Focus on what’s most meaningful ~ It’s not about parties, eggnog, or ugly sweaters. The commitment, dedication, and love you demonstrate with your care is what matters.

Give Yourself Gifts ~ Schedule 10 minutes a day to escape the hustle and bustle and silently touch-base with your Higher Self.

In manageable increments, visit our Educational Events page to discover helpful videos and free programs. Or visit our Meaning & Hope Institute for resources and connection with fellow caregivers.

Above all else, remember you’re a shining star who’s stepped up to a great calling.


CAREGIVERS, Elaine Poker-Yount

Care Partners vs. Care Givers – Why It Matters

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Elaine Poker-Yount, Aging and Dementia Care Educator at Successful Aging AZ, challenges us to rethink our role in supporting a loved one with dementia. Are we care givers, focused on tasks, or care partners, fostering connection and autonomy? Shifting from doing things for someone to doing things with them preserves dignity, encourages engagement, and strengthens relationships. Who do you want to be in your loved one’s journey? This simple mindset shift can make all the difference.
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Finding Clarity and Purpose Through Volunteering

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Retired teacher Monica Dorfman found purpose and fulfillment volunteering with Duet—supporting homebound adults, building friendships, and making a lasting impact—discover how you can too!
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