Empowering Family Caregivers: Tips to Brighten the Holidays

Ask for help. This time of year, expectations of cheer can set us up for a let-down. Here are a few tips…

Set realistic expectations ~ Confront that your situation has changed. If you enjoyed Norman Rockwell celebrations in the past, treasure memories of the good ol’ days, then embrace the here and now.

Simplify ~ Deck less of the hall and trim a smaller tree. Bake only one batch of cookies, then purchase supplementary goodies. Just say “no, thank you” if an invitation is going to amplify stress.

Ask for gifts ~ No need to sit on Santa’s lap to provide a list to those who can help: sitting with your loved one so you can get out of the house for a break…delivering a meal…mopping, or dusting, or doing a load of laundry.

Focus on what’s most meaningful ~ It’s not about parties, eggnog, or ugly sweaters. The commitment, dedication, and love you demonstrate with your care is what matters.

Give Yourself Gifts ~ Schedule 10 minutes a day to escape the hustle and bustle and silently touch-base with your Higher Self.

In manageable increments, visit our Educational Events page to discover helpful videos and free programs. Or visit our Meaning & Hope Institute for resources and connection with fellow caregivers.

Above all else, remember you’re a shining star who’s stepped up to a great calling.



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