Duet Gift Acceptance Policy

If you would like to receive a complete copy of our Gift Acceptance Policy that contains information regarding the content below, please contact our Development Department at (602) 274-5022, ext. 112.

  • Endowment Fund
  • Windfall Gift Allocation
  • Types of Planned Gift Arrangements
  • Assets for Gifts
  • Stewardship


  1. Finance Committee Protocol
  2. “The Donor Bill of Rights”
  3. “Model Standards of Practice” PPP
  4. Duet Sample Bequest Language
  5. Named Fund Gift Agreement
  6. IRS form 8283: Non-cash charitable contributions
  7. IRS form 712 Life Insurance Statement


Duet depends on a funding stream that includes grants from government, corporate and private foundations; service provision contracts; special fundraising events; and charitable gifts from private sources–individual and corporate. Such support may be offered to Duet subject to various conditions or restrictions. Conditions and restrictions may include: as to what use it may be applied (particular programs), in whose name it will be held and/or applied (memorials), the portion currently available (endowment gift with income determined by current procedures), and timing of receipt (pledge of amount to be paid over several years), among others. Other gifts may be totally unrestricted. Donors may also offer gifts in the form of cash, securities, partnership interests with qualification, commercial paper by law (contracts, promissory notes, mortgages, deeds of trust), insurance and benefits (life insurance, annuities, IRAs and pension benefits), real property and tangible personal property. All real estate and tangible personal property shall be subject to review and approval prior to agreeing to accept, including, but not limited to timeshare properties.